Kujawy Palace in Opole for sale

Kujawy, Prudnicka 1b, województwo opolskie, Poľsko

Cena na vyžiadanie
  1. Požiadajte predajcu o kúpnu cenu.
  1. Zámok
  2. Pamiatková ochrana
  3. 5.400 m² Úžitková plocha
  4. 30.000 m² Pozemok

Kujau Castle (today Pałac w Kujawach) is a castle complex in the Polish Opole Voivodeship, consisting of a main building erected in the second half of the 19th century in place of a Baroque predecessor and a representative new building in the Neo-Baroque style built around 1900. The two buildings combine to form a large ensemble on a U-shaped ground plan.


In both parts of the palace complex, many elements from the building period have been preserved. However, the renovation work that had been started came to a standstill a long time ago, so that today there is an overall need for rapid action and renovation. The castle is currently threatened by decay.


The total area amounts to approx. 5. 400 m². The associated park with pond covers approx. 3 hectares. Cubature: 52 800 m³.


Investors have the possibility to develop the historic property for any commercial use.

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    Pred 1 rokom
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